
Home Staging: Curtain up for a Perfectly Staged Property
First impressions count with real estate! It decides whether interested parties can imagine living in an upscale property in Paris or Düsseldorf, for example. Home staging makes it possible to put an empty property in an inviting, feel-good light. It creates an appealing atmosphere that appeals to the decisive gut feeling of interested parties. Therefore, thanks to Home Staging, it is realistic to sell properties faster and at a higher price.
Special properties deserve an extraordinary presentation
Especially for properties in the premium segment, prospective buyers come to view with high expectations: Empty, uninspired rooms can hardly fulfill them.
Effectively placed furnishings and decorative details, on the other hand, can be very much appreciated by a professional home staging. In this respect it makes sense that we, as a service-oriented real estate agency, work together with professional home stagers, even in an international environment in Paris.
Home Staging facilitates the sale of real estate
You probably know this from your own life experience: The door to a new property opens. Anticipation and curiosity are great. In the back of your mind you already have exact ideas about what the new property should look like. Soon after entering the rooms, you will have an impression that is very much guided by gut feeling. Would you like to live here?
Home Staging is a creative and professional service that answers this question with an enthusiastic ‘Yes!’ The targeted design of the rooms creates an inviting effect that fires the imagination. However, when interested parties only look at empty rooms and bare walls, it is difficult to recognize the potential of a property. Professional home staging helps to present a property from its best side. Depending on the location, regional peculiarities must be taken into account. You can imagine that home staging in Paris can take on different features than in Düsseldorf. Ultimately, of course, it depends on the target group, the location and the type of property.
What is home staging anyway?
As already mentioned, home staging involves creative design measures for properties that have a clear sales-promoting effect. The English terms home and staging stand for effectively staging a property. The point is not to guide prospective buyers through empty rooms, but to make them come alive with furniture and decorative elements. Home staging allows the potential of the rooms in a property in Paris or Düsseldorf to be put in the right light. Interested parties can see what can be created from the rooms.
Their imagination is stimulated: they imagine how they could live there and how they would design the furniture. When empty rooms are presented, on the other hand, many interested parties feel neither addressed nor picked up. Many cannot imagine what the rooms might look and feel like. Home Staging shows how the new home can look and feel! It is about nothing less than creating the cozy, comfortable atmosphere that most people would like to have in their new home. You can see that the work of home stagers has a lot to do with psychology.

Where does the term home staging come from?
This service, or rather the still relatively new job description ‘home stager’ in this country, originates from the USA. There it has been used very successfully for many decades for the sale of real estate.
In this respect, it is quite legitimate to claim that home staging has proven its effectiveness in practice for many years. In Germany, staging for real estate has become increasingly popular in recent years. And in the meantime, the offer is so professional that customers can rely on a visibly appealing quality.
Creative insights: How does a home stager work?
In general, home staging is all about meeting the taste of the target group and creating a harmonious atmosphere in line with the potential of a property. Rooms should appear tidy, but not empty. Ultimately, an inviting atmosphere can only be created with light, furniture and selected accessories that give a property a personal character. From photographic art on the walls, unusual lamps, selected candles to unusual details, a lot is possible with Home Staging. It is important that each detail or furnishing stand chosen has a strong, attractive effect.
The Home Stager virtually sets up the property for a viewing. You can compare Home Staging with a discreet form of make-up. The result is a partial furnishing that matches the target group and the object. Interested parties should not be killed, but should be able to imagine how they would use the (open) spaces themselves. Therefore a staging is usually always rather discreet. The rooms do not have to look as if someone still lives there. It is about filling the rooms with life and personality. After all, prospective buyers do not just buy a property, they also opt for an individual attitude to life. This is exactly what Home Staging can make visible and tangible!
See what Home Stagers can do
Use the opportunity to get a meaningful overview of the work and possibilities of a home stager by means of before-and-after comparisons. Using selected examples, you will see how home staging can be used to put rooms in a favourable, even sales-promoting light. In principle, the aim must be to create a bright and lively atmosphere.
Effective highlights can be created by selected furniture and its clever placement in the room. These can be transferred to impressions gained from the property and have a positive influence on the important gut feeling of potential buyers. Home Stagers leave nothing to chance despite all the creativity they offer. For example, you can assume that the design takes the seasons into account in order to create a harmonious overall experience when viewing the property.
It’s all a question of good taste: What design options are there?
To meet the taste of as many interested parties as possible, home staging should be as neutral as possible. After all, interested parties should be able to imagine how they would finally furnish the rooms. Moreover, it goes without saying that a modern loft in Paris should be staged differently than a stately urban villa in Düsseldorf. Here you can see that experience and professional advice are very important to leave nothing to chance.
Home Staging: Doing it yourself is a sensible alternative?
In general, numerous home staging companies offer you advice. Afterwards, you may find yourself in a position to prepare a property for viewing yourself. However, you should not overlook the fact that a home stager can draw on a large repertoire of furnishings. They have the necessary network to place suitable furniture in the property for a certain period of time, for example. If you want to do this on your own, you will have a lot of work to do. And in the end, the effort will cost money. In this respect, self-direction is not an argument for saving money.
On the contrary: if your own efforts fail to have the desired effect, the attempt may backfire. We can put you in touch with strong partners who can provide you with complete offers. These include rental furniture and all decorative items for a certain period of time. On the basis of an individual consultation, you can agree with the Home Stager which measures are suitable for the sale of a property or which budget you have in mind. Home Stagers can and will take a lot of work off your hands, because they cooperate with craftsmen and cleaning companies if necessary, if this is necessary for a property.

What are the advantages of home staging for the property owner?
In practice, home staging has shown that real estate can be sold or rented much faster (the time saving can be as much as 50 % on average). Therefore, this sales promotion measure can have a very positive financial impact, because a property that has been vacant for a long time does not bring in money for owners.
Another interesting advantage of home staging is that the selling price can be increased by up to 15 %.
Even if you have to spend money on this sales promotion, this investment will pay off through the achievable value. It is therefore no exaggeration to speak of a worthwhile investment. The experiences on the market or during our viewing appointments clearly show that interested parties react more positively to a professionally presented property and come to a purchase decision more quickly. As the owner, you focus on the potential of a property and have many convincing arguments in your hand during viewing appointments. What’s more, you can rely on very important and extremely sales-promoting emotions that are created by the work of a professional home stager.
Do not sell your property below value!
True to this motto, you can use completely new possibilities when marketing a property with a home stager. Just think of pictures of the rooms, which already in the exposé make you want more and arouse interest. You will be able to fulfill the increased expectations on site, because there is much more to see than just empty rooms. Depending on the location and target group, a home stager offers you the chance to effectively stand out from the crowd with your property and to address the target group in a targeted manner. This is especially necessary in a cosmopolitan city like Paris.

How much does professional home staging cost?
This question will rightly interest you, after all you want to be able to judge the profitability of this investment for yourself. As a guideline you can quote about 3 % of the selling price of a property, although this can be higher due to the measures taken.
In the case of a flat, the costs depend on the size and individual wishes. The duration of the placement of furniture and co. also plays a role in the costs. You should take the chance and ask for an individual offer. During the consultation, you will hear and see which measures come into consideration for a property.
Specify the costs with an offer!
In any case, you will receive a very individual offer based on an assessment of the actual situation. Whatever costs you have to reckon with: In view of the advantages outlined above, in most cases the calculation will work out. In recent years, more and more property owners are opting for this form of effective marketing. This shows that the costs for a home stager do not have to be booked as additional costs.
Conclusion: How do I find a professional home stager in Düsseldorf or Paris?
We are your partner when it comes to high-quality properties in Düsseldorf and Paris for exclusive living spaces. We specialize in premium real estate and offer you a comprehensive range of services to process the sale quickly and at an attractive market price. With us, you can take advantage of a powerful network, also with regard to the potential of home staging in the sale of properties presented here. If you have any questions or would like to sell a property, we look forward to hearing from you.
Contact experienced home stagers now!
Are you interested in home staging? Take the chance to get in contact with a partner from our network. Get advice and be inspired by the creative possibilities of this promising field of activity.